Atopica Basics
- Atopica is available by prescription only.
- Atopica is an immunosuppressant drug.
- Atopica is used to treat animals suffering from autoimmune disorders, including...
- immune mediated hemolytic anemia
- rejections after organ transplants
- Atopica affects calcium-ion uptake in lymphocytes, the white blood cells responsible for the body's immune system response.
- Atopica is available in different capsule sizes...
Atopica Warnings
- Keep out of the reach of children and pets.
- Do not give Atopica to pets with known hypersensitivity to cyclosporine.
- Do not use in pets suffering from...
- Atopica may interact with some other medications. Notify your veterinarian if your pet is taking any other medications.
- Prolonged use of cyclosporine can result in bacterial or fungal infections.
- Long-term use can promote the development of cancers.
- Use in dogs 6 months of age or older.
- Do not use in dogs less than 4 pounds.
- Use with caution in pregnant animals.
- Store at room temperature.
- Store capsules in a cool, dry place.
Atopica Directions
- Use as directed by your veterinarian.
- Follow the instructions printed on the prescription label.
- Store Atopica at room temperature, protected from light and moisture.
- Be sure to complete the prescription to ensure a full recovery, even if your pet seems to be improving, unless instructed otherwise by your veterinarian.
- Give 2 hours before or after feeding.
- Allow your pet access to plenty of water to drink.
Dosage FAQs
- In the case of a missed dose of Atopica, give it as soon as you remember or wait until it is time to give the next dose. DO NOT GIVE A DOUBLE DOSE OF ATOPICA.
- In the case of an overdose of Atopica, seek attention from your veterinarian.
Atopica (Cyclosporine) is currently used for multiple medical conditions in dogs and cats. Because it is now available in liquid form, it is much easier to dose, especially in cats. Using Atopica for chronic atopic dermatitis in dogs has really allowed us to decrease the need for corticosteroid usage to control this allergic condition. It has fewer side effects when used long term than we have seen with corticosteroid usage. When you get your veterinarian to give an allergy shot to your pet it may be a short term answer, however, it is not effective in the long term management of atopic dermatitis. I don't want anyone to think the the use of Atopica is going to singlehandedly manage atopic dermatitis, but when combined with fatty acid supplements (like AllerG-3), medicated shampoos (Malaseb is great!) and broad spectrum antibiotics (like Primor), you will really appreciate the positive response. We have also used Atopica as an immunosuppresive agent for chronic stomatis, inflammatory bowel disease, and asthma conditions in cats. You will absolutely love Atopica liquid from Novartis. It really makes dosing the drug easy. Talk to your veterinarian to see if your cat or dog will benefit from this great drug.
If you notice any behavioral or physiological changes in your pet while giving Atopica, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Adverse Reactions and Serious Side Effects
- Adverse reactions and serious side effects are rare, but in the case of an allergic reaction or a serious side effect, seek immediate veterinary attention.
- Some common signs of allergic reactions and more serious side effects are...